Constitution Of The New England Mathematical Association Of Two Year Colleges (NEMATYC)


The name of the Association is the new england mathematical Association of two-year colleges.


The New England Mathematical Association Of Two-Year Colleges is a non-profit education association. The objectives of the Association are the following:

  1. to encourage the development of effective mathematics programs;
  2. to afford a regional forum for the exchange of ideas;
  3. to develop and/or improve the mathematics curriculum, education, and related experiences of students in the first two-years of college;
  4. to promote the professional welfare and development of its members.


Membership in the Association shall run from May 1st of one year to April 30th of the following year and is open to the following: 

  1. regular membership -- any teacher of mathematics or other person interested in mathematics offered in the first two-years of college,
  2. student membership -- any undergraduate student with an interest in mathematics or related discipline.


Annual dues are paid by all members. The designated rates will be set by the Association at the annual conference.


Only regular members of the Association are eligible to hold office.

There are five officers: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Past-President. Each officer may make a report to the membership at the annual conference.

The President may not be elected to consecutive two-year terms. Any other elected officer may stand for reelection. Elections are conducted at the business meeting at the annual conference.

  1. the President will:
  2. Be elected to a two-year term.
  3. Conduct the business portion of the annual conference.
  4. Assume the role of Past-President at the conclusion of his/her term.
  5. Appoint the newsletter editor(s), membership coordinator(s), and webmaster with the approval of the Executive Committee.
  6. Preside over Executive Committee meetings.
  7. Perform all duties normally associated with this office.
  8. the Vice-President will:
  9. Be elected for a one-year term.
  10. Conduct meetings and fulfill the obligations of the President in situations where the President is absent. If the President is unable to continue in office, the Vice-President will assume the office of presidency and become Past-President at the conclusion of his/her term
  11. the Secretary will:
  12. Be elected to a two-year term.
  13. Retain an up-to-date membership list.
  14. Be responsible for the official correspondence of the Association.
  15. Maintain records for the Association.
  16. Take minutes of the meetings of the Association.
  17. the Treasurer will:
  18. Be elected to a three-year term.
  19. Be in charge of all the financial records and funds of the Association.
  20. Surrender the financial records of the Association for annual auditing to a designee appointed by the executive committee.
  21. Give a report at the annual business meeting.
  22. the Past-President will:
  23. Serve a two-year term following the expiration of the term of President.
  24. Consult with the executive committee members as needed.
  25. Appoint the Nominations Committee by September 15 every year.
  26. Supervise maintenance of the policy manual.


The executive committee shall consist of the Past-President, President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and two elected At-Large Members.

The term of office of At-Large Members is two years. One is elected in even-numbered years and one is elected in odd-numbered years. The Executive Committee will meet as necessary to facilitate the business of the organization. The President shall normally schedule these meetings.

  1. the Executive Committee will:
  2. Certify nominees for elected positions.
  3. Review and present new business items to the annual meeting.
  4. Review all constitutional amendments and bring their recommendations to the annual meeting.
  5. Select the conference chairperson and the site.
  6. Maintain the policy manual.
  7. the Newsletter Editor(s) will:
  8. Create and mail a Newsletter in the Fall to include a call for papers at the next conference.
  9. Create and mail a Newsletter in the Spring to include the conference announcement, a tentative program, registration form, and the recommended slate of candidates.
  10. Create and mail a Newsletter at other times as determined by the Executive Committee.
  11. Attend Executive Committee meetings.
  12. the Membership Coordinator(s) will:
  13. Maintain and apprise the Secretary of current membership.
  14. Coordinate with the Treasurer to determine up-to-date dues payments in order to maintain a current membership list.
  15. Perform other related duties.
  16. Attend Executive Committee meetings.
  17. the Conference Chairperson will:
  18. Set the date for the next annual conference acting in conjunction with the Executive Committee. (from article 8)
  19. Organize and host the next annual conference.
  20. Assume the role of Past-Conference Chairperson at the conclusion of the annual conference.
  21. Attend Executive Committee meetings.
  22. the Past-Conference Chairperson will:
  23. Serve as advisor to the Conference Chairperson and Executive Committee.
  24. Issue a written report at the next Executive Committee meeting on the annual conference he/she organized. This report should include recommended changes for future conferences.
  25. Attend Executive Committee meetings.
  26. the Webmaster will:
  27. Maintain the NEMATYC website.
  28. Consult with the members of the Executive Committee.
  29. Attend Executive Committee meetings.


The Past-President serves as an ex officio member. The committee should have 3 to 5 members. In the fall the committee should conduct a search for well-qualified candidates. A slate of candidates recommended by the Nominations Committee should be presented to the executive committee. The Executive Committee will certify nominees for elected positions as candidates and will accept as advisory the nominees for appointed positions.

The recommended slate of candidates should appear in the spring Newsletter.

Nominations for elected office may also be made at the annual conference by any regular members.


The Association will have an annual conference. This conference will include a business meeting to conduct Association business. The conference date is set by the Conference-Chairperson in consultation with the Executive Committee.


The rules contained in Robert's Rules Of Order, Revised, govern in all cases except when they are inconsistent with the Constitution or By-Laws.


Proposed amendments to this Constitution may be initiated by any member. Ratification shall be by a two-thirds vote of the members present at the business meeting at the annual conference. A notice of a proposed amendment shall be sent to all members at least one month prior to the annual conference.